Money & Marriage Mastery Course

Are you tired of fighting with your spouse about money, worrying about how you will pay your bills next month, paying for your kid’s braces, or filling up the gas tank?

Imagine this scenario – you sit down with your spouse to work on the finances, free from the burden of worrying about bills or money. You are confident that you are aligned with God’s financial plan, and you sense His approval in the choices you’ve made.

In this moment, you feel complete financial peace. You are not only progressing towards your financial goals, but you’ve fully funded your upcoming vacation, embarked on a journey to debt-free living, you are actively contributing to causes close to your heart, and you are well on your way to achieving millionaire status.

You are finally living the life you’ve always dreamed of.

The Money Mastery course is a transformational experience that strengthens your relationship with your spouse and eliminates limiting beliefs about money.

Course Overview

The Money & Marriage Mastery Course includes 10-video based lessons. Each lesson comes with a written workbook with written exercises and discussion questions.

The lessons are full of practical, actionable content with principles you can put into action right away.

All lessons are based on Biblical principles and evidence-based steps.

Marriage & Money Mastery Course Content Overview

There is a parable that Jesus tells that is recorded in Matthew where three servants are each given a talent, or amount of money while the master is away. Two of the servants multiply the money, and the Lord says to them, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

These servants are stewards over their master’s money. As the Creator, all things belong to the Lord, and we are temporary stewards of anything He has entrusted to us.

In this module you will learn about stewardship and the purpose of money, as well as the underlying principles for the remainder of the course.

Each one of us has a Money Personality that influences how we earn, save, spend, and invest our money. Our Money Personality includes our money beliefs, habits, attitudes, mindset, values, and rules. We often pick up our Money Personality from our parents, our experiences, and our religious background, as well as your family’s level of wealth (or poverty), your ethnic or racial background, and other influences. impact.

In this module you will learn about your money story, but more importantly you will learn your spouse’s money personality. Understanding your spouse’s Money Personality will build understanding and empathy.

Pearson’s Law states that “what is measured, improves.” In order to improve your finances, you need to know your numbers, including your income and expenses, your debt, and your financial ratios. In this module you will learn how to easily keep track of your numbers so that you have a baseline understanding as you move towards improving your finances over the next modules.

Your values are the qualities that, deep inside, are most important to you. They are like a compass that guides all of your decisions. In this module you will define your individual and couple financial values. We will also look at values-based goals, which will give you a North Start to point towards. You will learn the 3 keys to setting financial goals that you can actually achieve.

Jim Rohn said that everyone should set a goal to become a millionaire, “for what it will make of you to achieve it.” Thanks to research, we know what it takes to become a millionaire, and part of that process is creating a spending plan that is based on your values. In this module you will learn about how to make a spending plan work for you and your spouse, which can lead you down a path of becoming a millionaire.

In this module we will also focus on the importance of giving.

Returning to the parable of the stewards, we know that we are supposed to multiply our wealth. In the parable the Lord celebrates and rewards those who multiply their wealth, and condemns the one who does not. You will learn how to set up a Wealth Accumulation Account which will put you on the path to invest in income-producing assets.

We learn in the book of Proverbs that the “borrower is servant to the lender.” We also know from scripture that you cannot serve God and money. Debt is the number-one stressor facing couples, and the number one reason for not saving enough for our goals. In this module you will learn how to eliminate your consumer debt once and for all.

One of the keys to being successful with your money is to simplify and automate your spending, saving, and investing. In the module, you will learn the processes and steps that will reduce your stress-levels by simplifying and automating everything you can in your finances.

The biggest risk to your financial future is a disability, dying during your working years (especially while raising children), a medical emergency, and living longer than your income lasts. Insurance is like a moat around your financial house, protecting against each of these events. In this module you will review your insurance coverage, making sure you have the right type and relight amount of insurance to protect your future.

At this point in the course, you have learned your own and your spouse’s money personality, you have defined your values and goals, make a plan to get out of debt, and automated your finances. Without the ability to really talk with your spouse, though, none of this will matter. In this final module we will discuss the key elements of communication with your spouse about money. You will also learn about the importance of money dates. We’ll also address the question that every couple asks – should we combine our finances?